Thursday, March 27, 2008

Do You Recycle?

We've recycled plastic, bottles, and cardboard/paper for the past couple of years. We have bins set aside and throw the items in the correct bins. Easy peasy!

Most recently, two of my kids joined an environmental group that started at their school. It is the first year the school has done this and they had a huge response. It's been positive for my two oldest kids. Before, recycling was something I did. I recycle and my husband pulls the bins out to the road for pick up once a week when he takes the garbage out. Now I see my kids looking at items, looking for the recycling symbol (like the one in this post) and figuring out on their own what gets recycled. My son even reminded me once when I was going to throw out something that was to be recycled.

Recycling is something every family can do. If your town doesn't have a recycling program, I'd encourage them to create one. If your children's school doesn't, I'd encourage the PTA and school board to implement one. Go green!


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