Friday, March 14, 2008

Sprint Cell Phone Service

I used to be a Sprint customer several years ago (before they merged with Nextel). I never had any problems with them then but we moved to an area where service wasn't all that great. So we ended up with a different wireless company for a couple of years. In January, we switched back to Sprint for our wireless. I had liked them before and wasn't happy with the Verizon service we'd been paying for (bad service in our area). I must say that since going back to Sprint, it has been one problem after another. I can't get the same answer out of five different sprint representatives (I mean, don't they KNOW their product?). I get charged for things that I shouldn't be. When I received a $501 bill, I about went through the roof! If this keeps up, I am going to become their worst nightmare because I refuse to pay for some of the stupidity I have run across when trying to get them to straighten out their messes and give me ONE straight answer - not different answers depending on who I talk to! So far, Sprint has been nothing but horrid customer service, inept representatives who don't know their product, and more money than it should've been.

Then, (yes, there is a THEN), I received ANOTHER bill from Sprint for cell phone service in my name, at a number I had no clue about with a threat for disconnection if I didn't pay it. Outrageous!

My Rating for Sprint: 1 star (out of 10)


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