Sunday, March 30, 2008

Going to Iraq

My husband's nephew went into the Army a few months ago. He just let us know that he's being sent to Iraq in a couple of months. Everybody is worried, of course, but proud of him too. It takes a very strong person to sign up for military service during war time. I hope this war ends soon for the military, their families, and the country and our nephew stays safe and isn't there very long.

Support Our Troops


Anonymous,  March 31, 2008 at 11:21 PM  

Bless your heart! I know how that feels. My son just got back from 15 months in Iraq - well, he's in Germany, but at least he's not in Baghdad any more!

If you are interested in joining the Blue Star Blogroll let me know. Its for families of men/women in the military.

I do believe that having my son over there is one of the hardest things I've ever done! That's not even mentioning how hard it was for him!

Bless them though. What would we do if we didn't still have young men willing to do their duty to the country!

Syn April 1, 2008 at 10:19 AM  

Yes, I'll join your Blue Star Blogroll too. My nephew is in Germany right now too until he gets sent to Iraq in a few months.

I can't imagine being a parent and having your child sent there! Military families seem to be very strong!

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