Friday, March 21, 2008

The Morning Rush Begins

Waking up in our house is always a rush. My daughter is putting out her puppy while the other dogs excitedly wait for their turn. One dog comes in to eat, and another dog goes outside. It's like an assembly line having three dogs. Then most of the kids are extremely hungry and demanding breakfast NOW except for the one child who isn't hungry "yet" (like I am a restaurant and will serve them whenever they feel like it). Why not? They think I am their maid too so why not their waitress? Breakfast is a scrambled mess of noise and movement with kids arguing over who did what or who sits where (despite having assigned seating which we gave them to avoid territory fights over seats to begin with) and food being prepared. Then it is off to clean up and get ready for the day. That inevitably leads me to the huge pile of clothes left behind after a child discards items for others and then throws their dirty clothes on top of them.

My life as a mom is about cooking, cleaning, and dirty clothes. *sigh*

Actually, I don't really believe that. Raising my kids to be loving individuals is my job. It'd be nice to have a maid to do the rest, lol.


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