Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Who Is This Woman?

Do you ever wonder when you are reading people's blogs who these people are? What they are like? I do. So I thought I'd share a little of myself here if y'all are interested. If not, read on...there are several articles below that are more interesting than me.

I grew up in Michigan, though I don't live there now. Yup, just call me a Buckeye! A mutual acquaintance introduced me to my now husband when we were both in unhappy relationships with somebody else a long time ago. Oh, talk about bad timing! We had instant attraction and not a whole lot we could do with it. We both had some messes to clean up in our personal lives first. I went looking for him after leaving my mess and found him living on his own, free for me, lol. Yippee! We've been married over 12 years now. We have four children together. Add into that a Noah Ark's menagerie of pets and we have ourselves one busy household.

I work from home. I want to be the one to put my kids on the school bus and be here when they get home from school. I want to be home when they are doing their homework in case they need help instead of fighting rush hour traffic trying to get home to them. Besides my regular job, some of the things that I do that I can post about here:

Liberty Hills Marketplace
Mineral Girlz

So, that is a little bit about me.


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