Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Quiet Time

I like this time at night when the kids are sleeping, the dogs are sleeping and the house is totally quiet. Except for the Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! Noggin cartoon that is still on in the background (I really have to turn that off), I hear nothing.

Now to decide what to do with myself. The laundry needs to be done. Laundry always needs to be done though and I can see the bottom of it now so it's not like it's piled so high it is about to fall on me. I can write. There is a story for my other blog that I need to get done. I can go snack, except I need to lose a few pounds so probably not a good idea. I can go to sleep because I really need to catch up on some zzzz's. I think I'll send my husband some 'marital texts' instead. Yup, I think that sounds like a good idea.


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