Thursday, March 27, 2008

Religious Freedom

I am 100% in agreement that each individual has the right to practice whichever religion he or she chooses to. I have no business trying to change their beliefs and don't like it when somebody tries to change mine.

Religious solicitors at my door really irritate me. When they try to invite themselves into my home for dinner, that floors me (yes, it's been tried and they've failed). The latest is to use a child at the door. I've had two people, one of them a young child, show up on my doorstep. When a young child asks to read you verses from the bible, how do you say no to that? The adults who bring them know most people wouldn't! I don't think young children should be used like that.

My husband and I are raising our kids to choose their own belief system - whether they agree with ours or not. I had a certain religion pushed on me for years as a child and the only thing that accomplished was a lot of resentment (towards the parents and the religion). I want my kids to find what they feel in the soul is right for them; not what I want them to believe. That means they can be christian, pagan, or buddhist and I have no problem with any of them...or any other for that matter.

Faith is too personal to push it on anybody.


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