Friday, March 14, 2008

Child's Bad Dreams - Our Solution

We moved our six year old into her own bedroom. She was happy about that until bedtime when she cried herself to sleep. She has been waking up every night since crying from bad dreams. Our nightmare solution has always been to tell the kids to turn their pillow over to the "good dream side" and it worked for the rest of the kids, So I told M last night to turn her pillow over to the good dream side and she did. She woke up this morning so happy. She said it worked. She didn't wake up at all last night and didn't have any bad dreams.

Occasionally, she is going to have those bad dreams. All kids do. When that happens and she claims her pillow didn't work, we'll do like we've done with the rest of the kids - tell her it must not be on the "good dream side" and have her turn it over. It always works.


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