Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Nikki Catsouras Accident Scene Photos

It's all over the 'net today about the photos from a very bad accident that this teenaged girl, Nikki Catsouras, was in (she was driving her dad's Porsche, which she'd been forbidden to drive, driving 100 mph when she crashed so you can imagine how horrific the accident was). The accident killed this 18-year-old three years ago and the photos are being leaked on the Internet. How horrid. Why would people post pictures like that? Why would people do that to the family of this girl? I think it's disgusting. The Internet is full of information but being morbid and cruel shouldn't be a part of it.

Somebody actually emailed these photos to the parents. What kind of sicko does that?

So, if you came here looking for the photos of a young woman almost decapitated, you won't find them here. Get a life and a hell of a lot of counseling!

I feel so bad for the family. Losing a child would be devastating but to be harassed by sick individuals sending photos from the scene of their deceased child, the person or people who did this must be mental.

I've lost loved ones in traffic accidents - three times actually. It's devastating and horrific. Loved ones left behind in grief shouldn't be faced with sick individuals taunting them after the fact.


Anonymous,  May 6, 2009 at 6:21 PM  

Can u post a link ?

Anonymous,  May 7, 2009 at 11:33 PM  

I did not come to this site in search of pictures but to have an understanding of the lost of such a violent tragedy.. I too have experience such a lost, someone very dear, my brother to a terrible car accident and I never did see his body after the accident but have always wonder why and most of all how to deal with such a sudden death. How can anyone then go on knowing of this dishearten outcome. I am still searching for answers which I know will never truly be answered, but I too know that such an accident much like that of Nikki is the same as that of my brothers, they where not thinking. Self-distruction is not only damanging to them but also to those that must now pick up the pieces and try to move on and live with the out come forever. Something they never thought about. God help us all to deal and heal from such terrible loss...

Syn May 8, 2009 at 7:43 AM  


I, also, have lost loved ones in accidents...a cousin on her prom night. Another cousin when a car backed into the road right in front of his motorcycle. Most recently, a man who was like a father to me when a semi hit him from behind in stopped traffic. Like this accident with Nikki Catsouras, as you can imagine, it would be horrific. I was so angry and so confused as to how something like that could happen to somebody as wonderful a man as he was. I am very sorry for your loss.

Anonymous,  February 9, 2011 at 11:52 AM  


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