Wednesday, May 20, 2009

News Today: Nags, Catholic Scandal, Meaty Sludge Shaped Like a Hot Dog & Missing Link

The View & Glenn Beck:

I heard that Glenn Beck got ripped into on The View. It doesn't surprise me. I am a woman so I don't say this lightly about the women of The View - a bunch of criticizing nags harping all at once so you can't understand a word they say. They probably brought him on just to rip into him for their ratings. Seriously, what was the point on arguing over who approached who to talk to in the past? Didn't they have anything better to ask him about with all that is going on in this world? Oh, that's right, they don't want to hear opposing views which is why they only have one co-host who has opposing views to theirs and they've been known to rip into her as well.

They really need to even it out on that stage. It is one against the rest of them. They need to make it a more even playing field. All that harping just turns me off of their show.

The Catholic Church:

I was raised Catholic though I don't consider myself Catholic anymore. The church has a lot to fix. I remember the church I attended as a child, the priest ran off with his secretary (who was married!). With all the child abuse accusations the past several years, and now the report coming out about serial abuse in Ireland by Catholic run organizations, it's another black eye.

For me, religion (I prefer "faith") is personal. The Catholic Church seemed more like business than a place for a religious experience for me personally. My faith isn't about a large brick building or confessing sins to somebody else. I feel closer to Deity walking through the woods with a one-on-one relationship - no go betweens for me. I don't want a church official telling me that somebody else's religion is wrong (like I heard while attending the Catholic Church...and others after that). Nobody's religion is "wrong" if it is right for them. I don't think I have the right to say what is wrong and what is right for other people or dictate what they should believe in or what they should or shouldn't do. I don't have the right to try to convert others. It's a personal choice. I, personally, wouldn't allow my son unsupervised by me in a Catholic Church at this point, however, I also don't allow them unsupervised with any adults that I don't know, not just priests. I know they all aren't riddled with scandal but I don't take chances with my kids' well-being. The scandal aside, Catholicism wasn't right for me personally. It is right for others and that's their choice.

Missing Link:

I've read the story about the 47 million year old fossil being found, about the size of a cat, that is being called the missing link by some. I've also read that some people are saying it's not. From what I've read so far, I don't believe so either. It's a great find, don't get me wrong, but I don't think it's the missing link.

Oscar Meyer:

Oscar Meyer is giving away up to one million in hot dogs today. Really gross. I can down a hot dog now and then but not regularly. I'd yak. If you'd like a coupon for free meaty sludge shaped like a hot dog, click here. They'll mail you a coupon after you register.


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