Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Post 2: Somebody Stole My Bank Card Number

The bank messed up. They told me they'd canceled my card when I called them the other day. I even went down there after I called them and asked them again and they confirmed my card was canceled it. Imagine how surprised I was when I go to check the account activity and the hackers had charged about $400 more onto the card!

I went back to the bank yesterday and the manager canceled the card. Unfortunately, it messed up my online account access so now I can't even check my account activity online. Geez! I was able to dispute about half the charges yesterday and will go back tomorrow to dispute the rest (had to wait until they moved from "pending").

I've tried going to the police department twice in the last two days to file a police report. Both times, there was nobody there. I don't just mean the officers were out on patrol. The building was locked and NOBODY was there. I walked down to city hall and they called around. Apparently, they didn't have ANYBODY on duty. Huh? Serve and protect eh? So who is watching our town then? I want to work there! I don't ever have to show up apparently.

What a pain.


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