Sunday, May 3, 2009

Egypt's Pig Slaughter

There is a massive pig cull going on in Egypt right now. At first, it was said to be because of the swine flu (of which there are no cases in Egypt as of yet) and then later said to be done as a general health measure. It's expected to take about a month to kill the 300,000 pigs they plan to kill.

  • The UN calls this measure a mistake and unnecessary.
  • Pig-farming and consumption in Egypt is done by the 10% christian population. Huh, is it a health measure or a religious matter? My first thought when I read this point was that I hoped it wasn't being done because they're christians.
  • Egyptian government is being criticized for doing this.

The swine flu, a mix of pig, bird, and human. Is there going to be a massive bird cull too? Perhaps the terrorists can use this too as an excuse for their murder and terror around the world against humans - human culling.

To keep up-to-date on the status in the United Stated, the stats, and other information, are here. The TIME article is here.


Anonymous,  May 4, 2009 at 2:16 PM  

I would recommend that Rush Limbaugh not visit Egypt anytime soon. They are culling pigs and he is certainly a huge one.

Syn May 6, 2009 at 11:59 AM  

It's nice to be able to freely have an opinion isn't it? I happen to disagree with you on Rush. I don't agree with all he says or does but I'd prefer him over a lot of the national news programs who seem to regurgitate what the network owners tell them to like little political robots.

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