Saturday, May 16, 2009

Flea Season is Here!!

Summer is on its way. Have you protected your pets from fleas yet? We have, thankfully, not had a problem with them the last several years (*knock on wood*) and I really hope there isn't a flea problem this year too. My son and I are allergic to their bites so we break out all over and are just miserable. My stepson is also allergic so when we did get them in the house, you can bet we heard from his mother about it (like we put the fleas in our house on purpose...or like she could even prove they came from OUR house). Since they are so hard to get rid of once they get into the carpets and furnishings, I want to avoid them completely. When we use Frontline for our dogs, it keeps them away. It seems to work so why mess with a good thing?


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