Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Father's Day Gifts - A Great Giveaway from Blogaways

Father's day is just around the corner. Have you decided what to give your husband for being such a wonderful father? Usually, mine has his own gift picked out himself by this time but I think he's undecided at this point. (I get off easy at gift-giving time usually because he always has an "I want..." list going on at any given time.)

With the economy the way it is, how nice would it be to WIN a beautiful gift for the father of your children (or your own father)? Blogaways has this great jewelry giveaway going on right now that includes a chain and bracelet from Titanium Jewelry.

I love a man in jewelry. My husband wears it and I think he looks F-I-N-E in it. Male celebrities wear it well too. LL Cool J has a F-I-N-E classiness to his look too. Some men just wear jewelry well.

It's definitely worth checking out. If not for the man in your life, then for yourself. It really is pretty jewelry.


Jennifer May 20, 2009 at 9:11 AM  


I saw the article about Fathers Day and think it is great that so many people are making plans already. It is also my Dads birthday on Fathers Day, so this means twice as much planning and preparation will be needed. we should all be thinking about we can do to treat our Dads. My Dad is very special to me so I am going to treat the whole family to a lovely meal out at Dads choice of restaurant – which I am sure he will enjoy! Sometimes I find that Fathers Day cards in the shops are so expensive, so I have found a free alternative. I came across a cool freeFathers Day eCard site which I quite like, there are lots of cards which I know my Dad will like. Whenever I go onto this site I always find new cards which I like, so it maybe worth giving it a try.

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