Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Slowly Cutting Apron Strings

My teenaged daughter has tiny bumps across her cheeks.  They don't look like regular pimples to me but it's been a long time since I was a teenager (I still get them...just not to the extent teens do).  I don't know if she needs natural acne treatment or a better facial cleanser that won't irritate.  Perhaps it is just a winter thing and now that spring is here and it's not so dry anymore in the house, the irritation will go away. 

They didn't affect her fun at her school dance this past weekend.  She slow danced with a boy!  Her first slow dance.  I have pictures.  Even though she'd told me she slow-danced, it was still a bit of a shock to see my oldest child actually doing it.  Surprisingly, her dad handled it better than I did. 


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