Sunday, March 7, 2010

Going to the Children's Hospital

My youngest has an appointment at a children's hospital in a couple of months.  She is almost five and has been impossible to potty train.  It is like the message most people get of "having to go" doesn't register with her until right before and then it's too late because she's wet herself.  There isn't enough time to get to the bathroom.  You can ask her if she has to go potty and she'll say no but then 30 seconds later, she's wet herself. 

At three years old, her pediatricians weren't worried about it.  At her four year well-check, I got the talk about charts, rewards, etc. (everything we'd tried already).  I've potty trained four other children so it's not like I don't know what I'm doing but they sent us on our way home anyway.  A few months ago, I took her back to the pediatrician for this very reason.  Something wasn't right and waiting for her five year well-visit was just too long.  There was obviously something wrong.

We got the referral to a pediatric urologist and an antibiotic for a bladder infection.  From what I read, trying to hold it the way she does can lead to bladder infections.  We hoped the antibiotic would help but it didn't make any difference in terms of her potty training (cleared up the infection though).  Unfortunately, it takes months to get in to the specialist.


Independent World Admin March 7, 2010 at 7:41 AM  

Oh no :(

I hope everything works out.

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