Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Scott Brown First Republican Since 1972!

If that doesn't appear to be a big statement made to Barack Obama and the public's views on what Democrats have been doing this past year, I'm not sure what is.

A Republican, Scott Brown, was elected as Senator for Massachusetts.  Massachusetts has been Democratic territory since 1972 so the buzz is that by electing a Republican, the public is giving their opinion on what Barack Obama and the other Democrats have done in office to date, specifically on the health care reform.  I'd like to hear from some tea parties in Massachusetts to hear from the public if that is why they voted the way they did.  I wonder if this election has twisted the stomachs of some democrats and if the dems will think twice about their approval for health care reform.  If it were me, I know my stomach would definitely be twisted in anxiety at the need for colon cleansing foods for me. Anxiety over any future elections for myself would be in the front of my mind for sure.

Did you know that Senator Brown is a lawyer and used to be a model.  He was in Cosmopolitan magazine years ago!  That's an interesting fact I hadn't heard about.


Toyota Recall Lawyer January 28, 2010 at 7:46 PM  

I can't stand Obama. Last nights SOTU speech was grueling to watch.

Syn January 28, 2010 at 8:22 PM  

It sounds like I was lucky in that I missed his speech last night. I canceled our satellite dish and being in between dishes at the moment, we don't have television.

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