Thursday, January 14, 2010

Our troubles aren't that bad when compared to Haiti

This economy is just burying us financially.  If it goes on any longer, we're not going to be able to hang on.  We're hanging by our nails right now. 

My four-year-old asked me today when we could go to Disneyland like her friend did (we've never been there).  I just thought to myself how I'm hoping we'll be able to hang onto our house through the next month though I didn't tell her that obviously. 

I sure wish I was born into a family where I grew up feeling entitled and privileged without a worry about money.  Why couldn't I be a trust fund baby?

There are certainly people worse off than us so I can quit griping now.  The people in Haiti have lost so much in the earthquake and the total devastation isn't even known yet.  It's unbelieveable.


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