Monday, January 4, 2010

Back to the Daily Grind

The kids went back to school today after 2-1/2 weeks off.  I really dreaded that alarm this morning.  It was no nice not to have to set it at night...not that I was able to sleep in much but that blaring noise every morning really isn't a nice way to get up.  Why do they make alarms sound so awful?

So it was back to the daily grind for me - scheduling doctor appointments, writing, laundry, getting an auto insurance quote, and now I have to see about refinancing our mortgage for lower interest rates once I get off of here. 

I'd love to hire a maid too while I'm at it.  Boy wouldn't that be nice?  It's a dream...only a dream.  I can't afford a Starbucks, let alone a maid!

I hope y'all had safe and happy holidays! 


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