Saturday, January 16, 2010

Husband Wants a Brad Pitt Beard?

My husband has threatened to grow a Brad Pitt beard.  Have you seen that long, messy-looking, awful beard he's been sporting lately?  No way, no how.  I told him I'd shave him while he slept if he tried.  So, he gave his growing beard a good trim.  Thankfully!

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt seem to be staying out of the spotlight lately.  I've seen some trash talk in the rags a little bit ago.  I never believe everything those things say but sometimes, they carry a little bit of truth and a lot of fluff. Who knows.  Maybe they're just laying low in their New Orleans home (no hotel new orleans for them), or one of their other homes, so fluff is being made up about them.  Other than seeing that awful beard Brad has been growing, it's been kind of quiet. 


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