Sunday, March 8, 2009

Pastor Shot in Maryville, Illinois

What is this world coming to when you can't even go to church without violence entering the door? A pastor was shot and killed in a First Baptist Church in Maryville, IL. The gunmen walked in and fired several shots at the pastor. The parishioners brought the suspect down with several people wounded, including the suspect.

The pastor had a wife and two children. I hope his children were not in church to witness their father's shooting. Sad.

Read more of the story here.

I was having a discussion with my husband the other day about people being released from prison who have taken a life. He thinks if they've served their life sentence, then they get released. It is what they were given and that's that. I believe if you take a life on purpose, you shouldn't get a chance to live yours again and should rot in a cell somewhere. If somebody killed one of my family members, you could put me in the room with the killing bastard, give me a bat, and leave me along for a little while with him. I'll take care of him and no tax payer dollars would need be wasted to keep this person in jail for years with better health care than tax paying citizens who abide by the law get! Why should you get a shot at a life, even if it is relatively short after a life sentence is served, when the person who you killed doesn't? Yes, I have strong feelings on the subject.


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