Saturday, February 16, 2008

Those Social Networking Sites Online

So, what do you think about them? Do you use them? Avoid them?

I actually avoided them for several years. I didn't see the point in them actually. Then, we wanted a way to keep in touch with my husband's two oldest kids so we signed up with a few of them thinking it'd be a great way to keep in touch long distance. So, did it work?

As far as the original intention, no, it didn't work. Yes, they signed up with myspace too. However, they wouldn't allow dad onto their site though their mother, uncle's personal and band site, and mother's friend has access to the children's sites (though the children do fib and deny this repeatedly). Dad isn't allowed. Hubby thinks this was their mother's choice as his daughter wouldn't intentionally lie to him repeatedly without some misguided reasons. So, here we are signed up with a couple different online sites and no kids to keep in touch with. What did we do?

We kept them. We started out with MySpace and Yuwie. MySpace is THE ONE to be on so far, but with Yuwie, you actually get paid for being there and people visiting your page. We hope once people realize that for what you are already doing on MySpace, you can get paid to do it on Yuwie. We figured you might as well make some money off of doing what you'd be doing on another site anyway. Why should the site get all the money from the advertisers? Most recently, we were invited to Tagged and joined so now we have ANOTHER social site to keep up with:).

We've found them to actually be a good way to keep in touch with family and friends long distance. So, we'll keep them for now. They can be a fun way to share news, pictures, and songs.


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