Friday, October 22, 2010

9 Pounds Back On! Ugh!

I've gained back nine of the 18 pounds I lost.  I told my husband this morning and he said, "That's ok, there's just more of you to love."  He's just kissing up because I've been really angry with him the last few weeks so he's trying to score points. 

My thyroid isn't managed.  This silly little organ just wreaks havoc on my body!  My husband suggested I go back to managing my thyroid myself, which was when I lost all that weight to begin with.  I can. I just prefer to be able to have my new doctor's input and approval for it because he's trying and he's not close-minded. I just don't think he's THAT open-minded about my getting my medication from Thailand as opposed to him.

I know my weight problem is my thyroid and stress and if I get my thyroid managed, it'll go away.  That doesn't stop me from browsing the aisles for the best weight loss supplement. I can't stand being this big! It's so frustrating.


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