Friday, October 22, 2010

Order the baby gift baskets for a new mom at 40!

I have to tell this story here because my older sister reads this blog and this will freak her out.

This past Saturday, I turned 39 years old.  It wasn't a birthday I looked forward to because it is only one away from 40 (and boy do I dread 40).  While out to dinner with the husband and our four kids on Saturday, my kids asked me in the middle of dinner if we'd have another baby because they want a baby sibling. 

*sputter*  Huh?

OK, you tell your aunt that she's going to need another baby shower for us, get the baby gift baskets ordered, and see what happens.  You will hear your aunt either yell, or hit the floor, from another state!

Just kidding (about what I told the kids, not about my sister's reaction were it to happen, lol). 

No babies.  That is what I told the kids.  No babies.  I told the kids that we are too old to start over again.  Between our four and my husband's two kids, isn't six enough?  Geesh!  I mean, I know we give our kids awesome chromosomes and everything but come on, give mom a break here!


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