Thursday, October 14, 2010

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Did you know that when you file for chapter 7 bankruptcy, you have to list all your assets' worth down to your furniture, clothing, etc.?  We met with an attorney yesterday to discuss the possibility of filing and he said we don't need to list each individual lamp but group it as a whole (living room furniture, bedroom, etc.).  Good thing they don't want to know specifically about our lighting, eh? One living room lamp, one bedroom lamp in this bedroom, one bedroom lamp in this bedroom, a ceiling fan here, etc.  That'd be a pain.  The whole process actually seems like a pain.

What was really sad is that when we walked out of there, we realized that we don't have a whole lot that is worth very much.  Besides the house, the cars, my wedding ring, two horses, and a couple guitars, the rest is just piddly stuff that wouldn't get very much at a garage sale. 

Not a whole lot to show for the last 21 years of adulthood.  Everything we have goes to our four beautiful kids so it's all worth it.  We'll get nice stuff after they're grown...unless it's going towards our grandkids at that point.


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