Monday, September 20, 2010

Stressed & Relocating

Whew!  I'm feeling a little bit of anxiety now.  My husband has a job interview on Friday.  If they both agree to a job, he'll be moving within a week.  We will follow within a few weeks we hope. 

How am I going to get all of this done by myself, with four kids?  When I had to get us packed and ready to move by myself before, we only had two kids.  Now I have double that to move, plus five dogs and two horses.  Hubby will be in another state so it'll be up to me - again.  Darn, I really don't get paid enough!  Ha ha.

I guess I'll alternate between stress eating and fat burning supplements to counteract my stress eating!

I can do this.  I can do this.  I can do this. 

I didn't say I could do this without losing my mind though!


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