Thursday, September 9, 2010

Say NO to Drugs Kids!

As a parent, drugs are a big concern to me, especially since my kids don't stand up for themselves very well.  I am afraid peer pressure will have them doing drugs that are pushed on them, or being there when drugs are being used and getting into trouble, because they don't want to speak up. 

I've been looking up what happens to your brain while on drugs and addiction facts.  Scary stuff.  I was what was called a "goody goody" - I didn't try illegal drugs as a teenager, never once.  I hope my kids follow in my footsteps because the drugs today are a lot worse than the drugs of my childhood!  Nothing wrong with being smart!

If you need to look up drug rehab for your area, as an example, google Portland Drug Rehab and you'll find what you need.  Don't let yourself get hooked on them. They'll destroy your life.  As the aunt of a little girl who is growing up without her dad because of drug use, it is so not worth it to lose everything you have, your family, and your life. 


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