Saturday, September 11, 2010

Riding Horses Again

Wow am I a bit sore today after my riding lesson yesterday.  Yesterday's lesson was the first one in two years - since my daughter's horse, Rex, had died.  I am being reminded of muscles I don't normally think about every time I move.

I wouldn't trade it for anything though.  I was so excited to get back on a horse again.  I didn't want to after Rex died.  That broke my heart, but I have to say it was time to get back on again.  It was so much fun. 

I thought I'd be starting over from the beginning, but I remembered how to tack my horse up again and trotted for about half my lesson.  It was like I picked up where I left off.  So much fun!!

What was also fun - - - being able to have a riding lesson without kids there yelling, "Mom?" repeatedly throughout the lesson for my attention.  It was just "mom" time yesterday morning.  It was nice.


Super Mom | Maternity Belly Bands September 15, 2010 at 7:48 AM  

Fantastic blog. Full of useful information for people like me. Keep up the good work.

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