Friday, September 3, 2010

Nurse? Vet? Auto-Mechanic? What to be when she grows up.

My 8th grade daughter has to write a paper on what she wants to be when she grows up.  Are they already supposed to have it narrowed down by now?  Right now, she either wants to be a vet, a nurse, or an auto mechanic.  My husband is trying to talk her out of the auto mechanic but I told him to leave her alone.  One, because all of these will likely change in the next four years, and 2) if it's something she really wants to do, I'd rather she be doing what she wants to do, rather than what she doesn't want to do for the rest of her life, even if she ends up with permanently dirty fingernails.

My personal hope is that she'll go to nursing school.  She can become a RN in a couple years and have a career.  From that point, she'll be able to go to school for whatever if she wants to change career paths throughout her life while still making a good income from nursing.  I think it'll give her more options and security since there will always be a need for health care jobs.  I didn't tell her that though.  It's her choice.

Hubby wants her to try out for an orchestra.  Yes, she has natural musical talent.  HOWEVER, she doesn't LOVE to play her flute.  If it is going to be a career, I want her to love it.  Dad lost his own chance at a musical career when he got in trouble with the law his last year of high school and lost his scholarships to a great music school.  He's not allowed to push his dreams on the kids because he messed up.


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