Thursday, June 11, 2009

Do you like feet?

I was reading in our local paper today of a woman who wrote needing help with her boyfriend who was obsessed with her feet. The column is like a Dear Abby but "Abby" is a Pastor in this case so I was surprised at the topic! Who would write to a religious man about wanting a more intimate relationship (beyond her feet) with a man she wasn't married to knowing it would be published? Um...not me!

I guess there are worse relationship problems out there than being overly interested in feet. I wasn't sure if she was going to ask him to get therapy or slip on white ankle bracelets and enjoy this aspect of her boyfriend. I might just have to pretty up my feet, put on an ankle bracelet and heels and enjoy being made to feel pretty (because feet aren't the prettiest part of the human body so if somebody thinks they that a bad thing?) unless other parts of our relationship suffered because of the heavy interest in these funny-looking things called feet.


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