The Kids Won
My son had his 3rd grade music program this evening. Since dad was working, it was me and four kids - age 11, 8, 7, 2 - who went.
Mom -VS- 4 Kids
Who won?
Well, mom was beginning to dream about a prescription for Xanax by the time I was buckling them into the car to come home if that tells you anything.
My two-year-old had to say loudly, "mommy clap" between each song if I didn't get my hands together fast enough (which meant turning the camera off, slipping it down my wrist and then clapping which took a second so the kid got to me first usually) so everybody around us heard her. I'd "shhhh" her and the mom next to us thought she was so funny. She got a lot of laughs. They all thought she was cute. The people behind us, next to us - must be the blue eyes and white blond hair. Well, except for a grandma in front of us who gave me one of those sidelong glances that was all nasty, but ya know what? We weren't at the opera. We were at an elementary school for a children's music program and the bleachers were full of kids. Everybody clapped and talked between each song. If she wanted peace and quiet, she should've stayed home.
If she'd accidentally kicked grandma in front of her, I don't think I would've minded at that point. Bad Syn! Just kidding. Maybe.
Why is it that every time I go to a school function, I end up with at least one other child who isn't mine? Every.single.time we've gone to school functions (music program, basketball games) this one same child ALWAYS shows up to sit with my 1st grader. Where does she come from? Geez! She's not a well-behaved little girl either. Her parents probably shoo her away from them at these functions but come on! Watch your own kid! I don't even know who the parents are. No clue! There are various other kids who come sit with us (don't know where their dna providers are either) but this one girl always shows up. Seriously. Tonight I had the regular girl and then one other one. "Other one" tonight decided to kick the crap out of the bleachers with her cowboy boots several times. Then my two year old would imitate her and I'd stop her because that is just too obnoxious for me. Regular girl wants my 1st grader to run around the school with her and up and down the bleachers and doesn't undertand when I insist my kid stay with us and sit relatively politely in the crowd of people.
Who is parenting these kids?
Who lets their kids go off to sit with a stranger without introducing yourself or asking if the adult (ME!) minds if their child glues themself to us for the next hour or so?
Back to the kids winning, it's not like they were bad or anything. There were just a lot of people there and going in and out with four kids (and the two year old insisting on walking herself and be-bopping back and forth enjoying her freedom), plus no air conditioner after a warm day and squeezing all those people in the gym, plus the kids I seem to adopt for a short time at every function - I needed a drink or a xanax. I hear they work wonders.
Ooh girl - my response was so long, I had to post it on my blog.
Come check it out when you get a chance - I'll bring the tequila. ;)
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