Body Breakdown
For the last year or so, I've had a lot of joint pain whenever I get up. It takes me about 30 seconds or so for my legs to start working without hurting. I have to walk it off. I think it's part of the thyroid thing because everything is off hormonally plus I'm carrying extra weight. At least I hope that is all it is and I don't have to start looking at rheumatoid arthritis treatments anytime soon. Maybe it is from doing knee slams in cheerleading and it's catching up to me. I hope at 38 I am not looking at arthritis anytime soon.
When you have one autoimmune disorder (my thyroid problems), you have a higher chance of developing another. I'm just waiting for a Lupus or MS diagnosis. Now that would stink! Hopefully my new doc will get my hormones back within normal levels and I can stop worrying about my body trying to keep up with its needs when it doesn't have what it needs to do so.
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