Saturday, November 14, 2009

Get Computer Services or Toss It Out the Window?

If it's not one thing, it's another. Yesterday, my computer went through those automatic updates that Windows does if you let it. I made the mistake of putting it on automatic. Well, I automatically had my computer messed up for hours yesterday because of it! I kept getting error messages, my computer kept freezing, and my monitor was missing the whole right half. Makes it a little difficult to work when I can't see a quarter of my screen.

I got most of it fixed, but there is still one error message left when I turn my computer on. It's something about a catalyst control and the ATI adapter. Huh? That's a foreign language to me. I googled online for help and what Windows offered, didn't help at all. If this keeps up, I may have to call a professional to fix it like orange county computer services. For now, I'm just putting up with it. As long as I don't have to reboot today, it won't irritate me anymore (until tomorrow morning comes and I turn on my computer).

My computer is only a couple months old so I better not toss it out the window...yet.


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