Monday, July 20, 2009

Is Imaginative Play Extinct in our Children?

According to an article on Primary School Suite 101, children who use their imagination benefit greatly in these ways:

  • Learning cooperation;
  • Being successful in school (helps children solve problems by thinking things through);
  • Practice real life skills (playing teacher, playing grocery store, assigning roles, puppets, etc.);
  • Encourages a richer vocabulary; and
  • Helps children grow into creative thinkers.

I have to agree that children should use their imagination more. I also think that children today are over-scheduled (and we struggle with this ourselves). It was always an issue with my stepkids because practically every day of the week was scheduled for them and they really didn't know how to entertain themselves...just to be able to play. To sit still was foreign. They were used to running from one place to the next with their mom so when they came to our house, we made sure they had ample down time.

Our kids would sign up for everything they could too if they could but we have to have a limit, there has to be boundaries as we, as parents, set those boundaries. My kids certainly don't get to.

I enjoy seeing my kids find fun in make believe, in using their toys to create imaginative worlds. You can find nice toys, like at Mighty World Toys, that children can just sit and play. They can create their own fun that doesn't involve electronics (like video games) or being over-scheduled in every single extra-curricular activity under the sun.


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