Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Break from Doctor Who

Guest post written by Dave Tanner

It always makes me sad when some of my favorite TV shows are on breaks. I'll even rewatch the last seasons just to stay caught up on them. Right now one of my shows, Doctor Who, is actually on break until Christmas, when the Christmas special is supposed to air, so I'm really missing it right now.

I had heard of the show before, but never actually watched it until this summer. My brother kept telling me that I could watch it on Netflix's instant watch and that I should. When I was thinking about rewatching all of the new show's seasons again, I came across the web site www.clearwirelessinternet.net/ and after reading through it decided to sign up for internet access with them.

Well, I did decide to rewatch the Doctor Who TV show from the first season over again. It's funny to watch them all back to back because then it's obvious how much their budget increased because it's reflected in the sets and special effects and just the overall look of the show, even the opening credits!


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